Basic usage

To use Pyraat’s Praat functions, the PraatAnalysisFunction is first imported and then constructed as follows:

from pyraat import PraatAnalysisFunction

script_path = '/path/to/script.praat'
praat_path = '/path/to/praat'
wav_file = '/path/to/file.wav'

func = PraatAnalysisFunction(script_path, praat_path)

output = func(wav_file)

The praat_path argument can be omitted if praat is available on the system path.


The above snippet assumes a script that analyzes a whole file. See Praat script types for more information on the types of Praat scripts.

Arguments to the Praat script that are constant over multiple evaluations on wav files:

from pyraat import PraatAnalysisFunction

script_path = '/path/to/script.praat'
praat_path = '/path/to/praat'
wav_file = '/path/to/file.wav'
wav_file2 = '/path/to/file2.wav'

func = PraatAnalysisFunction(script_path, praat_path, arguments=[1, 2, 3])

output = func(wav_file)
output2 = func(wav_file2)

If the arguments depend on the file, they can be specified on each evaluation:

from pyraat import PraatAnalysisFunction

script_path = '/path/to/script.praat'
praat_path = '/path/to/praat'
wav_file = '/path/to/file.wav'
wav_file2 = '/path/to/file2.wav'

func = PraatAnalysisFunction(script_path, praat_path)

output = func(wav_file, 1, 2, 3)
output2 = func(wav_file2, 4, 5, 6)